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  1. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    I wonder if Piro had been in Tiffany’s room because they were planning this together? Tiffany’s real plan is to show Gunther that he should be with her, through the illusion of helping him with Bernice. Piro is probably in on this as well. Now that he’s “rejected” Tiffany, Gunther is there to comfort her.

    As for Piro and Bernice, I wonder if anything will ever happen there. It seems like a silly obsession for her, but she has always been attracted to guys who were a little… different.

  2. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Seeing these two strips presented side by side is perfect.

    The way I see it, Luann and Quill don’t have to break up. They need to actually take the time to invest in their relationship.

    I’ve read a lot of comments for this strip recently, both sides of the argument about “who’s to blame” and my view is this:

    They’re both equally at fault.

    Luann is needy. She needs attention and affection to make her feel special and wanted. Quill has been too busy focusing on his education and career in theatre to give her that attention she needs, and as a result, she feels insecure in their relationship because she doesn’t feel wanted.

    When Prudence came into the picture, Luann saw Quill giving her what she herself was craving. And Quill was, indeed, paying more attention to this new girl than he has been to his own girlfriend.

    Maybe Luann is too needy, but as her boyfriend, Quill needs to understand his girlfriend and be tuned in to her needs. He can’t dismiss her so easily and expect her to be okay with it. While Luann is immature in her own way, Quill has been neglectful without providing an explanation that Luann can understand, and without offering much in the way of compromise.

    Luann and Quill’s biggest problem is their lack of communication with each other. This takes time and effort to develop in a relationship, and they both have neglected to try it in any substantial manner. Their relationship, as it is now, is rather superficial. There’s no depth. Luann hasn’t said she “loves” Quill because in order to love someone, you need to know them. And what she knows of Quill is what’s on the surface, nothing deeper. Quill can’t answer Gunther’s question about having things in common with Luann because neither of them have really taken much time to find out, and he can’t answer about having shared fun stuff with her because they really haven’t done much with each other, especially recently.

    I wonder if he ends up turning more towards Prudence, not because she’s a “better fit” for him or because he likes her more than Luann, but more because she’s more recent in his thoughts. He has spent a lot of time recently with Prudence, getting to know her, and so she’s more immediately present. If he spent the same time and effort with Luann, I wonder if he would be able to answer Gunther’s questions in that case.

    In any event, Quill and Luann need to have a conversation about their relationship as a whole, not merely the Prudence incident. Luann needs to be able to voice her concerns in a coherent manner, and Quill needs to listen without immediately dismissing her concerns as a lack of trust.

    Also, let’s not forget that these characters are 19-20 years old, and acting perfectly normal for their ages. They don’t have the wisdom that experience provides, and the only way to gain that wisdom and maturity is by going through exactly the kind of thing they’re going through now. No matter how they handle it and how it turns out, it will be a learning experience that hopefully both will take with them in their future relationships.