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  1. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Yes the hair style looks like it’s from the 60s. As for the cloths a lot of older women dress young.

  2. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Doesn’t anyone notice PRU is much older than the rest of the group. It looks more like Luann setting with her mother.

  3. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Why is everyone so down on Luann. All she wanted was Quill to spend a little time with her. He just ignored her when she spoke to him about her brothers wedding. He was texting and calling back and forth with PRU but ignored Luann. They did have plans for New York and took a job without even talking to her first.

  4. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Why is everyone so down on Luann. All she wanted was Quill to spend a little time with her. He just ignored her when she spoke to him about her brothers wedding. They did have plans for New York and took a job without even talking to her first.

  5. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Doesn’t PRU look at least ten years older than Quill and the rest. I’m not sure that is a relationship unless he’s hunting a cougar.

  6. about 9 years ago on Luann

    My husband and I met when we were about Luann and Quills age. We were married for 25 years until he died. We had little in common and we were happy

  7. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Something I wonder. Where do Quill and PRU get there money? PRU isn’t getting a salary and is paying rent. I can’t see either one having enough to not need a steady job.

  8. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Is it just me or does PRU seem a bit old for Quill. She looks at least 10 years older.

  9. about 9 years ago on Luann

    How old is PRU anyway. She looks a decade older and is very phony.

  10. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Stop this drivel and put Luann and Quill back together.