Img 1050a2

Grandma Lea Free

Recent Comments

  1. 11 minutes ago on Ted Rall

    the republican’ts have a little man (according to women who would admit they were with him) who thinks he is quit witty, but then reality sets in because most just see him as simply stupid and quite sh1tty.

  2. 26 minutes ago on Mike Luckovich

    oh but they did, as testimony in court showed

  3. 28 minutes ago on Mike Luckovich

    yep and wonder why there is no sports betting going on for the matches!

  4. 33 minutes ago on Clay Jones

    don’t forget the tЯump fart that cleared the court room

  5. 39 minutes ago on Chip Bok

    Main peoples of Semitic origin: Acadians, Chaldeans, Babylonians, Assyrians, Amorreus, Arameans, Phoenicians, Arabs, Hebrews, Jews, Samaritans, Nabataeans, Syrians, Hyksos, Egyptians, Ethiopians and Ugaritic. So those who are anti- Semitic are against any and all of these!

  6. about 1 hour ago on Clay Bennett

    Never forget it was LBJ who robbed social security with the help of both parties

  7. about 1 hour ago on Robert Ariail

    YEAs56NAYs21Not Voting23

  8. about 1 hour ago on Nick Anderson

    many who buy guns are unwilling to use the weapon as intended or the excuse they used to justify buying it/them. There are many of us who enjoy shooting, but as a hoby and not a way of life; because people who go to the extreme need help with their addiction especially if it is impacting their normal life.

  9. about 16 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Tri-cities, central to everything and close to nothing

  10. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    When one seeks the elusive truth there are no sides, and if you take one you will never find the truth you seek. The world and facts change on a daily basis, we must also or accept you are lost.