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  1. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    Oh okay. I thought I missed something! lol Thanks! :)

  2. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    Soooooo…… am I the only one who is STILL wondering who stole the TV and broke the vending machine? I mean who ever it was had Tiffany’s ID-Card to enter the building, and they had them on camera, but we were never shown who it was…… thoughts???

  3. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    Okay have I have so many thoughts on the most recent events. Bernice, I get, I have been in that same situation (including but not limited to) overthinking. However, with Luann, she was not reallllly into Jack and then once Tiffany started seeing him it bothered her. Now she’s still wondering if she should make dog park dates with this guy. If the fact that he dates someone else, (or even worse, a friend) bothers you enough to question his intentions, probably time to move on. Just saying…… And WHAT is with the hand holding?? Oh and last thing…. is the person stealing actually Tiffany cause her wealthy family isnt wealthy anymore?? Conspiracy theory of mine! lol

  4. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Yup…. I can see it now….. He’s already going to New York…. with “Pru”. Oh Luann, meet someone else already….. you shouldn’t have to beg for attention. smh….