Old 2c 20young 20days 21   2

bruno640320 Free

Retired from railcar mfg. company, doin' my-best to enjoy the remaining-time "On MY-Watch", now...! (USMC, '69 May-to-'71 March)

Recent Comments

  1. 22 days ago on Luann

    Oh, I loved that one, even if I was a “certified, mostly-matured”-adult! “At Smith-Barney, we make money the old-fashioned way—we EARN-it!!!” (To which my-Dad would alter to: “
we EMBEZZLE-IT!”) To each his own, I reckon, eh? (Wasn’t the voice-over of John Houseman?, I think?)

  2. 28 days ago on Pluggers

    I have a horrible-habit, that I catch myself pointing a hand-tool at what I want to find with the Streamlight—-and expecting that hand-tool to light the way in my-port-side hand, with the light in my-starboard hand, esp. when in a sticky-sitch like power-outage???

    At about the same time? I finally realize to put the light in it’s clip, on the brim of my-hardhat—-and NOT-turn it on!

    Thank God for rechargeable lights, and generators, be they big or small

  3. 3 months ago on Pluggers

    No hero here, either. I simply did what I could, with what I was given—-and was fortunate to survive, and go back home to my-home in the “sticks”, again

  4. 4 months ago on Pluggers

    I used plastic cottage-cheese containers, slit down the side, and held in place by four or five of Mom’s highest-quality, steel-spring loaded wooden clothespins. On steel-spoked 27-inchers, I had the epitome of a imaginative Harley Hawg
well, until I predictively lost a cylinder/jug or two, at around 10-to-15 mph, down-hill plus a tail-wind! Which just meant back to the trash can, and a quick-raid of the clothespin bag

  5. 4 months ago on Pluggers

    Forty-year routine? Hmm, must be a young-plugger

  6. 6 months ago on Herman

    Brings back hearing the version of “The Winner”, as sang(?)by Bobby Bare! (Wonder which one of these-parties is “Tiger-Man McCoo”?)â˜ș

  7. 6 months ago on Herman

    Nahh, cut ‘im a little-slack: He used a “C”, instead of a “G” at least. Could’ve been worse.

    And, although it’s just a nasty-ol’ codfish? An Alaskan Pol-lack ain’t all that cheap, either anymore, and, NO, it won’t “go”, either

  8. 9 months ago on Luann

    Maybe a Registered Nurse Practitioner, at first? Indeed, EMT-is not for the weak of stomach, ranks right up there with a Navy-Corpsman’s-duty, keeping us Marines of our pasts humbled more than once, LOL!

  9. 9 months ago on Pluggers

    Never knew that! That would-explain a lot of the issue, indeed!

    But, I do know for a fact: My-right eardrum is perforated, and the eustachian-tube occasionally does drain “ear-spit” outta that ear—-but very seldom causes inflammation issues, and I can still hear when it opens again.

    But kinda like a cracked-speaker cone, so, yeah somethin’ a fella-just gotta live with since MY-body style & brand is discontinued, no replacement parts unless y’ make your own, lol!!!

  10. 9 months ago on Pluggers

    Didn’t he have a dog named Sea-Biscuit, on the original-boxes, as well?