Untitled 2

Lazywithstyle Free

Just some dude who likes comics AND has the most original first line of profile description. I also have a blog NO WAIT, DON'T RUN AWAY! I post my indie gemedev stuff there and other (mostly) video games related things! Okay, i'll stop with self advertising now... GOCOMICS ROCK!!!

Recent Comments

  1. over 8 years ago on Endtown

    Maybe ALL lucranian ships have same looking “face” as UI? Perhaps the abandoned ship they’ve entered is actually a lucranian vessel in ditto disguise.

  2. almost 9 years ago on Endtown

    Or it might crash time & space continuum and end the universe :PAlthough there are infinite number of other variants of the universe (we know that thanks to Marx) it might not be such a bad thing.

  3. almost 9 years ago on Endtown

    That little statue of a crying man in the third panel (near the vase)…It’s the same one from Linda’s room back in Endtown.

  4. almost 9 years ago on Endtown

    Ethel’s voice changed when she’s mutated. It’s more high pitched now, “the helium effect” :ohttp://www.gocomics.com/endtown/2014/02/27That’s why holly didn’t recognize her.

  5. almost 9 years ago on Endtown

    I bet it has something to do with those BuddyBombs, they might see him as a threat now…

  6. almost 9 years ago on Endtown

    Phew, finally caught up with the recent strip. It takes quite some time to read from the beginning, especially with the comments ;p And i must say: THANK YOU mr. Neathery for this AMAZING comic!