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  1. 20 days ago on Rose is Rose

    Remember, Saturday is February TU-TU.. Appropriate dress suggested.

  2. about 4 years ago on Rose is Rose

    oh! that looks like MY garden!

  3. over 4 years ago on Rose is Rose

    me too!

  4. almost 5 years ago on Rose is Rose

    thanx..it was already too easy ;- }

  5. about 5 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Would you please re=draw the car as a Tesla roadster? I am sure it would not affect existing comments. choose love..

  6. over 8 years ago on Rose is Rose

    how can I give candy I judge too toxic for my own consumption to children?

  7. about 9 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Clean sheets in the sun and wind indicate hygenic humans to me! No bed bugs! Also UV light from the sun kills bacteria, herpes and other virus’s. I would be suspicious of a homeowners group that DIDN’T endorse clotheslines..Clothes lines in the basement in the winter & spriing were not as fun tho… rose must have a huge , clear basement! sigh..envy…