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- almost 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Actually, the total net worth of one third of all Americans is zero. So anyone with a positive net worth has more wealth than over 100 million Americans. So the wise ass’s comment about 664 people having more wealth than half of all Americans is actually not as significant as you might think.
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Actually, the total net worth of one third of all Americans is zero. So anyone with a positive net worth has more wealth than over 100 million Americans. So the wise ass’s comment about 664 people having more wealth than half of all Americans is actually not as significant as you might think.
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Actually, the total net worth of one third of all Americans is zero. So anyone with a positive net worth has more wealth than over 100 million Americans. So the wise ass’s comment about 664 people having more wealth than half of all Americans is actually not as significant as you might think.
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Actually, the total net worth of one third of all Americans is zero. So anyone with a positive net worth has more wealth than over 100 million Americans. So the wise ass’s comment about 664 people having more wealth than half of all Americans is actually not as significant as you might think.
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
A baseless claim which is simply wrong. Not even an exaggeration, just flat-out wrong.
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Actually, the total net worth of one third of all Americans is zero. So anyone with a positive net worth has greater wealth than over 100 million Americans. So the wise ass’s comment about 664 people having more wealth than half of all Americans is actually not as significant as you might think.
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Actually, the total net worth of one third of all Americans is zero. So anyone with a positive net worth has a greater net worth than over 100 million Americans. So the wise ass’s comment about 664 people having more wealth than half of all Americans is actually not as significant as you might think.
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Actually, the total net worth of one third of all Americans is zero. So anyone with a positive net worth has a greater net worth than over 100 million Americans. So the wise ass’s comment about 664 people having more wealth than half of all Americans is actually not as significant as you might think.
about 3 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Actually, the total net worth of one third of all Americans is zero. So anyone with a positive net worth has a greater net worth than over 100 million Americans. So the wise ass’s comment about 664 people having more wealth than half of all Americans is actually not as significant as you might think.
Stephan’s middle name is Thomas