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I bet whales would make excellent arbiters of human affairs. And I also imagine they’d be a lot more fun, too. I nominate them for World Rulers. (I wonder if they even use towels. Maybe pack one for a friend?)
Should be “Beware of rat in dog suit.”
“Dead End” indeed.
When your feet are in the stirrups,And your head is on the ground,You can be sure as shootin’ that you’re riding upside down.
What? No applause??
Not half full or half empty. The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
You can have the island of gold. I’ll take an island of Lithium!
I have a memory like a steel sieve.
Better life through chemistry! ;)
Hey, kids. My dad has a theater; we could turn it into a barn and start a farm!
I bet whales would make excellent arbiters of human affairs. And I also imagine they’d be a lot more fun, too. I nominate them for World Rulers. (I wonder if they even use towels. Maybe pack one for a friend?)