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  1. 8 days ago on Luann

    I think Bernice really needs a dose of reality. She wants to “help” Piro, as long as she doesn’t have to deal with his sibs. Piro obviously loves his sibs and is very responsible for them, but Bernice’s first thought would be how to get rid of them so Piro’s life is easier (and Bernice would figure more free time to spend with her). Even though Bernice is no longer technically an only child because of her long-lost brother, she is SUCH an only child! She cannot understand love between siblings, and how (in a bad situation like Piro is in, with a sick mom and no dads around) the oldest child’s biggest fear is losing his younger sibs and watching his family break up. You can bet that there’s Child Protective Services around watching his household. Bernice has had it easy. Even when her folks took in Bernice’s older brother’s family displacing her space when Bernice lost her job as RA, Bernice quickly gets rescued by Luan’s family who lets her live with them for free. Nobody ever mentions that Bernice DOES NOT HAVE ANY JOB AT ALL! Luann got hassled by her folks when she lost some of her hours at the school childcare, but Bernice gets a free-ride and doesn’t have to make ANY contribution to the household. I really do NOT like Bernice especially in this arc, as she is being horribly selfish and self-centered!

  2. 11 days ago on Luann

    Really, Bernice needs a kid break? Luann is doing all the work!!

  3. 14 days ago on Luann

    They’re now well-behaved because Luann knew how to calm them down. They were terrified by their mother being sick, they’re young and frightened. Luann IS really great with kids and should go into some sort of child related job field. Besides teaching, how about a pediatric nurse or doctor?

  4. 19 days ago on Luann

    Bernice wants to be a child therapist, but kids aren’t her thing? Time to rethink her future.

  5. 3 months ago on Luann

    I think Tiffany just found out who broke into her house. And she’s going to tell Kip about it, and probably ask him to stay at the house rather than her being alone.

  6. 3 months ago on Luann

    Since Tiffany is paying for her share of the dorm, she IS welcome there. It may be time for Stef to find a new place. Time to go to the RA if Stef tries to keep Tif out of her room.

  7. 3 months ago on Luann

    Remember “Friends” episode…

  8. 3 months ago on Luann

    A problem remains that Kip obviously enjoys having sex with Stef, all the time. She’s got him back in the past using it, and it may work again. Afterall, would Tiffany be willing to have that kind of relationship where a lot of intimacy is expected by Kip? It seems that for Kip, sex is a good enough reason to stay with a girl, even if she’s a pain with a lousy personality.

  9. 5 months ago on Luann

    This strip is a good reminder, Shannon is a little kid who doesn’t have the best situation to grow up in.

  10. 6 months ago on Luann

    Bernice not only dressed frumpy, she acts frumpy.