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  1. over 7 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    So in other words, Trump wants to turn us into Japan from about 1600 to about 1850. Keep all of the insiders in and keep all of the outsiders out. Effectively cutting off all trade and diplomacy, which I believe is exactly the wrong way to make America great again. Of course this is ridiculous. Trump traded and dealt with overseas companies regularly before he became President and he’ll continue to do so even today. The purpose of the wall and the immigration restrictions are in his perspective a means of housecleaning in preparation for a reformed immigration policy.Do I think all of this is a good idea? No. First and foremost it is a very unilateral policy that goes against the ideals of liberty and democracy this nation was founded upon. Many a dictator/authoritarian has made similar radical social reform policies with the initial goal of public welfare (Hitler’s breeding of a “master race,” Mao’s Social Revolution, Apartheid in South Africa). Such policies seemed innocent and controllable at first but as protests against these policies (and in a deeper sense against the denial of public input concerning the implementation of these policies), governments fell into the trap of suppressing protestors and rebels and becoming tyrannies.

  2. over 7 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    This would explain why Trump’s brain ended up in Bill the Cat’s skull in 1989.

  3. over 7 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    Today’s strip is a sign that the old Berkeley Breathed magic from the 1980’s is coming back. Case in point, the trope of the freaked out kid waking up his dad in the middle of the night with a conspiracy theory based upon current events/politics that have become way too insane. If anything, the coldly analytical Oliver is even funnier in this role than the sensitive and moral Binkley. Breathed’s success in the 1980’s depended upon one overwhelming factor, the Reagan administration. Now that we have another materialistic, militaristic, cocky, and larger than life individual in the Oval Office, Breathed and Bloom County have a new lease on life.

  4. almost 8 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    In case some of us have forgotten, Opus was an illegal immigrant too at one point (from Antarctica). It was only in the mid-2000’s (during the time of the “Opus” Sunday strip) when Opus returned to Bloom County after an 8 year stay in Antarctica with his mother that he got around to beginning the naturalization process. And now he’s forgotten his roots and is trying to deport another alien like himself. Not really, it’s a ruse to get a free dog for Sam since Opus is too broke to afford any other dog.

  5. almost 8 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    Nice how BB is actually fleshing out Cutter John’s character in the new Bloom County strip. He isn’t just the weird guy in a wheelchair who pretends he’s Captain Kirk (or Han Solo). Instead he’s the sensitive, sincere guy who has no more luck with women than the stuck up, cantankerous Steve Dallas. BTW, the compost pile would probably be frozen in the winter, so Cutter John’s crutches wouldn’t sink.

  6. almost 8 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    Binkley is too easily insulted. I would have been overjoyed by Abby’s compliment, however misguided, and would have been eternally grateful of her invitation for brownies. His snow-likeness of Abby is far better than I could ever do.

  7. almost 8 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    In the Bloom Picayune, Bloom County 2.0 is finding its center again at last. Opus’ Orange Tweet Alert will become as iconic as his Personals desk in the old days. Another great creative touch: the antique typewriter fitted with a modern day plasma screen display. I definitely want one of these for Christmas! I also want the Editor in Boss to start ranting “IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!” when he isn’t screaming “RUN THAT BABY!”

  8. almost 8 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    Little known fact except to us Bloom County old timers. The Editor in Chief at the Bloom Picayune is named Overbeek. He was typically in an alcoholic stupor until Milo approached him with an over-the-top scoop for the front page, upon which he would rouse himself and scream “RUN THAT BABY!” History is now repeating itself and in this case I’m ecstatic.

  9. almost 8 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    Bill has had all sorts of outrageous occupations, just like Uncle Duke over at Doonesbury, but a career at the Bloom Picayune is a first for him. It will be fun seeing him play off of Opus in the workplace!

  10. almost 8 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    The one significant empty object that wasn’t chronicled in the final Bloom County Classic strip on August 6, 1989 was Opus’ desk at the Bloom Picayune. This strip makes up for that and represents the triumphant return of the journalistic culture that played such a vital role in Bloom County. The newsprint and antique typewriter may be gone but Opus is back at his weathered desk wearing his signature visor. Hallelujah!