
Northstar Pendragon Premium

Novel author. Spiritual but not religious. An atheist who believes in reincarnation. Political independent.

Recent Comments

  1. about 7 hours ago on Luann

    My favorite restaurant — Ford’s Garage — has some great food, but they do miss it on a very few items. I once tried their salad with gorgonzola, shrimp and walnuts. I normally like all those ingredients okay. But the walnuts were rancid, and ruined the salad altogether.

    …. So Brad might not benefit if he’s consuming rancid omega 3s.

  2. about 8 hours ago on Luann

    Being more hedonistic, rather than analytical, won’t necessarily boost their fertility rate, but it certainly can help them enjoy their affection with each other while they’re trying.

    BTW — success is relative. The more success, the more relatives!

  3. 1 day ago on Luann

    Interesting! There’s a parallel between Brad being super analytical about procreating with Toni, versus Phil being so analytical about dating Luann. …. Maybe Luann needs to come over and give Brad some tips on being spontaneous, and on Keep It Simple Stupid!

  4. 3 days ago on Luann

    Many women are very sensitive about their ages, and remain age 30 for about 40 years. But once they’re as far along as Mrs Horner, they quit pretending and start joking about it.

  5. 3 days ago on Luann

    My local paper only prints the logo frames on Sundays. Are you able to see the daily ones somewhere?

  6. 3 days ago on Luann

    Scientific American still does print.

  7. 4 days ago on Luann

    Actually, Quill was out of her league and was more mature than she was. He was an up-and-coming actor, and taking his career seriously. Luann didn’t like him taking time away to further his career. She was just the little girl who wanted him to be with her every minute.

    But she seems to have matured a little. And in Phil, she seems to have found a guy who is more on her level. His career keeps him right there in town, and she’s happy for him to get his gloves on her anytime he wants! ➳ ♡♥♢♢

  8. 4 days ago on Luann

    Well, it does seem that the two not only are in a relationship but are good for each other. He’s given her some worthwhile thoughts, but she’s teaching him to be less analytical and more spontaneous, which makes for more enjoyment romantically.

  9. 4 days ago on Luann

    When people are checking each other out, they generally like a simple accounting of the other’s non-trivial exes, and at least a mild hint of how it ended. That might help them to decide whether they and the other will potentially be compatible or not.

    But if the other carries on profusely about one of his/her exes, one needs to decide whether they still are entangled with the ex, or whether they just need to vent. But continual venting could hint at emotional problems, which could also be a red flag.

    What most people don’t like to hear is a serious accounting of the other’s detailed sexual activities and conquests, particularly if a man seems to be bragging about it.

  10. 5 days ago on Luann

    Luann initiated the breakup with Quill. He was the one that got dumped, or “dumped on”. I’m not aware that he was ever mean to her. I liked him fine, and he had acting career aspirations that put him clearly in a league above Phil.

    Actually, when Pru first showed up and Luann didn’t yet realize that she was a lesbian, Luann thought that Pru had designs on Quill and had been making headway with him. Both Pru and Quill were into acting, which fueled the suspicion. Luann threw the pendant back at him that he had given her, and dumped him in a jealous snit. …But ironically, when Luann found out the true scoop on Pru, the two of them became very close friends. In any event, Luann really has no room to complain about her breakup being ugly. She was the one who was ugly to him.