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  1. almost 8 years ago on Endtown

    Kirk smiles at the idea of his old friend Pike live out his life in peace, with his true love. The Doctor explains the choice to Rory; Watch your loved ones live out a long happy life while dying from the 24 hour plague, or suffer the final day in pain.

    “What is truth?”

    Has anyone mentioned “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” (gotta love Ambrose Bierce producing something so mind blowing in 1890) yet? Maybe in the end that’s the universe’s greatest mercy… a moment of peace.

  2. almost 8 years ago on Endtown


    First, I also want to thank gtreulands for the link; That explains the way the line resonates.

    It’s always hard when a story is better taken in as a volume, but you have to live through the wait as the artist crafts it. This was not the BEST outcome… I loved the initial dynamic between Wally and Holly, but it was starting to become toxic for both of them. In other words; Just like a real relationship, regardless of how much you might love one another.

    I see that part of myself in Wally, that refusal to give up on someone. The idea if you work hard enough and love someone enough, that can somehow overcome all the damage inflicted years, even decades earlier, and completely outside of your control, is seductive and (in it’s way) a subtle form of arrogance.

    In almost every case something happens to force your hand, to make a hard decision, perhaps the hardest; To leave when they ask.

    If they ask. Because sometimes they just leave themselves.

    No matter how many people are there to care for you, and how sensible and healthy it is in the long run, it still feels horrible. Love is not sensible, logical, or convenient. Neither is one’s reactions to a relationship’s end.

    And as leaving can take many forms, Wally can console himself that he didn’t come home one day to find that Holly had taken a more… FINAL route. At least, this way she can be happy, even if her choice puts her even more out of reach than mere death.

    (Bravo, Aaron!)

  3. almost 8 years ago on Endtown

    blinks Whoa, new page! I repeat others here as I say it, but I must; It’s great that you’re back, but let us know if you need to back off again for health reasons. I want this saga to continue for a long while!!

  4. almost 8 years ago on Endtown

    “Oh no, not THIS neo-mid-century modern nightmare again!”

  5. about 8 years ago on Endtown

    OOo… Nice one. And it’s hard to come up with a good argument against that outcome, unless you’re against the MATRIX, right? :P

  6. about 8 years ago on Endtown


    So, perhaps steve gallaci has it right… a combination of cross reality bleed with an almost “Jungian gestalt” thing going on. Note that the choice of creature when unconscious is remarkably appropriate at times. It almost makes sense that the conscious mind couldn’t cope, thus “I am turning into a monster” goes where it goes, whereas the unconscious mind collapses a multiverse quantum state based on the attributes most suitable to the id… if not the ego. Those in an “altered state” wound up arguing with that assessment, because they weren’t entirely free of said ego.

    At least it sure looks good on paper. :P

  7. about 8 years ago on Endtown

    Egads, I hope not… I’ve LOVED this ride thus far!

  8. about 8 years ago on Endtown

    The suspense is terrible! I hope it will last…

    …just not TOO long. :P

  9. about 8 years ago on Endtown

    NOTHING is safe to assume in the Entown universe.

    Panel 3 is one of the best bits I’ve ever seen. Reminds me of those high speed shots of an atomic bomb detonating.

  10. about 8 years ago on Endtown

    But could you REALLY have both?

    The final temptation… thinking you HAD to have it all.