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  1. 7 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Microsoft, alone has created 8 billionaires and over 12,000 millionaires through employee stock options…How many from Amazon and so many other internet based companies?

  2. 2 months ago on Red and Rover

    Dogs have a high rate of skin cancer, especially short-haired dogs… I just read an article by Dr Karen Becker a Holistic Vet about skin cancer in dogs (Mast Cell Tumors) They are common in Labs, Golden Retrievers, Beagles, Cockers and a few other breeds. They are often on legs or between toes, and can be found on the trunk areas also, which is harder to find in their fur. Note that the food one feeds their dogs is a huge factor… Foods using GMO ingredients, especially corn and wheat, have the greatest chance of being a cancer cause. Cancer rates have risen more rapidly in dogs and cats than in humans. Food is the main cause of this.

  3. 3 months ago on Red and Rover

    CORRECTION: The eruptions are sometimes explosive, but not Mt St Helens kind of explosive. The vast majority of eruptions are gentle flows of lava with some beautiful fountains of lava at the summit. There has not been an explosive eruption in Hawaii for thousands of years. I read also that within a few hundred thousand years, Kohala will become a separate island as all of the Hawaiian islands are sinking (1/8 inch per year). Then Mauna Loa and Hualalai will also become separate island. Hualalai is the one Hawaiian volcano that one should keep far away from as it is the only one with steep sides, so NOT a slow rate of lava flow. It last erupted a couple hundred years ago and is considered dormant…

  4. 3 months ago on Red and Rover

    A little Hawaii volcanoes info. The volcanoes in Hawaii (yes, the big island, Hawaii and Maui) are all shield volcanoes. Their eruptions are not explosive, but more gentle. The flow of lava can be out-walked. Yes, it is devastating if your house is eaten by the goddess Pele. That is why one has insurance. BTW, on the big island, there are 9 volcano zones. About a third of the island is in zones 8 and 9, the safest. The eruptions from Kilauea and Mauna Loa (the one above Kailua Kona) are the ones that one can protect oneself from by the location of their home, even if it is in a Zone 2 area… like if it is near the top of a hill, as lava only flows downhill. I prefer the Kohala area. Kohala is the oldest volcano on the big island and it hasn’t erupted for 120,000 years and is considered nearly extinct. Mauna Kea is the 13,000 ft volcano (the one that gets snowfall every winter) and hasn’t erupted for 4,600 years. It is considered dormant and possibly to erupt sometime in the next 10,000 years. Many volcanologists believe Mauna Kea on the verge of being extinct. I just read some interesting info from the USGS… here’s the link: >

  5. 3 months ago on Crankshaft

    Why are there always so many complaints about this strip? If you don’t like it, please stop reading it and spare the rest of us who understand that comic strips are a fantasy of the authors and will not appeal to everyone. The comments here are most often complaints about the author.. on other strips, the comments are advice to one of the characters, which is equally inane. This is fantasy, not the real world.Enjoy Crankshaft or don’t enjoy it. Please spare the rest of us your whining.

  6. 3 months ago on Luann

    Not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but the story that is running now is Brad and Toni imagining what Shannon would be like if they had raised her instead of her narcissistic brother. This story started yesterday.

  7. 3 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Guessing it is a neighbor at the door reacting to Edgar’s shenanigans.

  8. 3 months ago on Doonesbury

    Just did a bit of research.. the first couple of weeks of Doonesbury were just Mike and BD, who became roommates at the beginning of their college days. I could not find the beginning of Boopsie on Google. I hit the double-back arrow to start at the beginning (Oct 1970) and Mike and BD were the only continuing characters until Mark, the campus rebel, was introduced late Nov, 1971, then Mark’s parents near the end of the year. Boopsie, Sept 15, 1971,Zonker, Sept 21, 1971. Phred was in 1972, as was Joanie. Duke in 1974 and Honey in 1976. Who did I forget… oh yes, Rev. Scot Sloan Jan, 1972. In my research, going through the dailies from the beginning for the first 3 months, most were about Mike & BD roomie struggles, BD addressing the nameless players in the huddle and Mike’s inability to attract women… until Mark appeared with the campus protests. It was fun going through the early strips and I was thankful to see the development of each of the characters.

  9. 3 months ago on PreTeena

    Grammar cop here… Novocaine is the correct spelling. Wow, that felt so good! Everybody loves a good grammar cop, right?

  10. 3 months ago on Heart of the City

    Toby or not Toby… that is the question