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Spencer444 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 29 days ago on Adam@Home

    Laura definitely didn’t date anyone in high school or college, nor did Adam. They do not exist! I find it interesting that the comments in lots of the comics on this site are sometimes giving advice to the characters, sometimes voicing approval or disappointment in the characters and otherwise taking them to be real. We have been well trained by the soap operas that began in the early 1950s to take obvious fiction to be real …The comics are a form of entertainment, not a social media site…But if it floats your figurative boat, comment away.

  2. about 1 month ago on Tank McNamara

    I have to agree with the Angel Reese nomination. She is so narcissistic that she has spent this off-season working on her 3 point game (trying to be Caitlin Clark?), when her short game is terrible… one of the worst shooting percentages within 5 feet of the basket. That pettiness makes her a favorite!

  3. about 1 month ago on Tank McNamara

    How about the one sports writer who did not vote for Ichiro?

  4. about 1 month ago on Heart of the City

    Sharks kill an average of 24 humans a year worldwide. The majority of those did something to provoke the sharks. Surfers are, indeed, at the highest risk as surfboards look like seals from below. BTW, coconuts kill more humans yearly than sharks. That said, I still feel fear of sharks, which has to do with my mind, not with the truth. I have many friends who are scuba divers and none of them have had challenging experiences with sharks, though all of them have been with sharks.

  5. 2 months ago on Crankshaft

    It is interesting to see the comments on this site. It attracts trolls. The advice “if you don’t like it, don’t read it” would be totally ineffective. My solution is to no longer read the comments about this strip. Not a solution for the issue, but one for me.

  6. 2 months ago on Rose is Rose

    Something I recently learned. Cats kill about 2 billion birds per year in the US, more than disease, accidents and other predators. They are the main reason for declining bird population! Please keep your cats inside.

  7. 4 months ago on Annie

    Yes, yes, I know that Annie and Sandy will be separated for a good while… and I know that this strip was written years ago… but one fact that I recently learned. Dogs’ sense of smell range is 12 miles! And, yes, I know that there is no Little Orphan Annie or Sandy, as this is just a story in someone’s head… but I wanted to share what I learned about dogs amazing sense of smell… AND I wanted to tell the nonexistent Sandy to relax and smell the roses…. er… the Annie.

  8. 5 months ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    Yes, Marigold has barely enough magic to release her from the tree… but that’s not taking into account the tree, itself. Right now, it’s performing its own magic mantra… “Hold on, baby, hold on!”

  9. 5 months ago on Heart of the City

    Remembered Toby from where? This strip is not on reruns. His reaction to the blonde cutie didn’t seem gay… just sayin’

  10. 6 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Microsoft, alone has created 8 billionaires and over 12,000 millionaires through employee stock options…How many from Amazon and so many other internet based companies?