Dsc 0213 01

Elettaria Free

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  1. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    OK, you don’t need to shout. I’m closing my account.

  2. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    It’s some kind of fault with the BCN site, and now it’s spread to GoComics. It’s intermittent but happens fairly often. A blurry screen virus? Onionitis?

  3. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    @Gent, your apology to me was clearly insincere, as you went on to call me a “hate monger” again, along with “crazy”. Then after you said that mating for cats was “fun” and I mentioned how painful it is for female cats (and the biting also puts them at increased risk for FIV and FELV, I’ve since learned), you spent quite a long time having a go at me about that. This does not in any way constitute an apology, it’s a continued attack.

    I asked you this before and I’d like an answer now. Why did you call me a “hate monger”?

  4. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    My friend lost a kitty of eleven, searched as you do, eventually gave up. Seven years later, that cat was returned to his home. He’d been locked in a neighbour’s shed. The neighbour had been feeding him, but when he got sick, she decided he wasn’t her cat and dumped him at a vet. He was finally scanned for a microchip and returned to his family. My friend said he couldn’t stop purring and coming up for cuddles. He quickly adjusted to the kids being older and the new pets who’d arrived in his absence, and was soon bossing them all around. He lived another two years, loved and loving. Funnily enough, he was called Chip. So I suppose one moral is this: microchip your pets, and keep the info updated.

  5. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve been reading up on it, and I understand 4 months is now the recommended age. It catches them just before puberty, so you don’t end with pregnant kittens, but presumably they are old enough to handle the surgery. 6 weeks does sound far too young, and suggests to me that they are rehoming very young kittens due to overcrowding. I know some shelters will make you promise to get the kitten spayed/neutered at the appropriate age before they release it to you, but I don’t know how well that works out.

    I catsat my friend’s two cats, five months at the time, a week after they’d been spayed and neutered. (There was a family funeral the humans suddenly had to go to, and they didn’t want to send them to a cattery at that stage.) They were absolutely fine, a bit shy but bouncing around and getting into everything like normal kittens, especially in the middle of the night.

    Something I didn’t know until reading up on neutering today was that unneutered cats are at much higher risk of FIV and FELV, spread through bites. The male cats bite each other fighting over females, and during mating the male cat will bite the female cat’s neck to keep her down.

  6. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    As the person Gent called a “hate monger” more than once, with no reason to do so, “crazy”, and other repeated nasty comments, I am really upset by this. I know I don’t comment here often, but I’ve been a fan of BCN since a month after it started over on the original site. I never thought I’d see someone picking a fight here over how cats shouldn’t be neutered but should have their numbers kept down by being torn to death by dogs instead. I’m upset to see people backing him up in this, and as someone neurodivergent I was also alarmed to see a forum member being called out for having Aspergers like that. This used to be a nice place.

  7. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m one of the earliest fans of BCN, my partner’s sister introduced me to it when it had been running for about a month. I’ve designed and made a cross-stitch version of Tabitha and her red dot, I’ve introduced countless people to BCN. I’m no longer comfortable here. It’s not just the man who called me a “hate monger” for no reason and kept attacking me in further comments, while he was calling for having dogs tear cats to pieces instead of a neutering programme. It’s those of you who are cheering him on. And in one case, talking about someone autistic behind her back in a way that made me very uncomfortable indeed.

  8. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    He called me a “hate monger” and other comments in the thread for the next day, only it’s been removed after being flagged up as abuse. I’d said absolutely nothing that deserved that reply. This was before I specified what was involved in cat mating, which he’d already brought up as “fun”. Apparently it’s OK for him to refer to highly painful things, like dogs killing cats, and those are all perfectly fine because they are “natural”, but none of us are allowed to talk about what they really mean.

  9. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    This is about stray dogs in India, I haven’t found a similar article about cats yet, but there’s a lot of grim stuff. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-36035456

  10. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I was thinking more of the other comments I’ve seen, which were a lot sharper in telling her off for changing format. So I saw this one and thought, “Oh, dear, not another one.”