
DrWhiskers Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 8 years ago on Peanuts

    Your piloting skill may come in handy to me. Oh, my stoner dog also wants me to tell you she hero worships you. Anyway, await further instructions WWI Flying Ace.

  2. over 8 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    Today in MY COMIC STRIP Hitler’s Brain premieres! I think he’s going to be our break out character. Our Urkel, if you will.

  3. almost 9 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin! I command you release your feline captive! Do so, and I shall let you live as my personal sculptor due to you snowman creations. Ignore me at your own peril!!! >:(

  4. almost 9 years ago on Garfield

    Attention Garfield: I have come here to declare my war on you and the main gocomics page! I shall take you over with my Kittens of the Apocalypse! BE WARNED! (That said…BIG fan! My lab would not be the same without my Garfield calendar. <3 ) Toodles…uh…AND DOOM!!!!

  5. almost 9 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    Join me as one of my Kittens of the Apocalypse as we build our force to overthrow the may gocomics page…and then THE WORLD!!!! READ DR. WHISKERS HERE! I COMMAND YOU!

  6. almost 9 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    READ DR. WHISKERS HERE! I COMMAND YOU! Subscribe and I shall promise you a quick and painless death when my reign of terror begins! DR. WHISKERS: THE COMIC STRIP THAT SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!! MWAH-HA-HA!!!!

  7. almost 9 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    Come My Cagents! Come read and subscribe to my new comic strip and when I take over the earth, I shall be lenient on you during my dynasty! READ DR. WHISKERS HERE! I COMMAND YOU! BECOME ONE OF MY KITTENS OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!! >:D