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  1. over 8 years ago on Mike Lester

    Hmmm, the more improvement the further backwards we go. Two steps forward one step back. Anyone that has not suffered oppression does not understand the passion of the oppressed….that simple. The majority of the privileged does not understand and does not want to understand.

  2. over 8 years ago on Mike Lester

    Wow, this is the first time I’ve seen the BLM comparable to the KKK. Not so, the KKK clearly are a hate group; however, the BLM have been over shadowed by equally hateful people whose agenda is not that of the original intent of the BLM.

  3. over 8 years ago on Mike Lester

    Okay Uncle Joe, are we talking about the NFL or are we talking about Kaepernick? The NFL needs to clean up their humanitarian act, definitely. This is an organization that was created and flourished on the backs of SOME players who weren’t known for their academic success or moral upbringing. Lots has changed since I began watching in the 60s. Case in point, athletics actually have to be going for a real degree to play—not someone else doing the work. AND, remember when Black QBs were not allowed because some yahoo felt Black men didn’t have the brain capacity to think, reason, decide and execute on the football field. Fast forward to today where someone dares say, why should I stand to honor an anthem written by a White slaveowner talking about “♫…For the land of the free…♪” Do you really think those words included Black American? Quit playing. It’s time more people—not just Black people—recognize and help change the inequity of America’s treatment of its citizen.

  4. over 8 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    I just simply do not understand why anyone would be angry with someone wanting to be treated fairly and with respect. I am amazed anyone can completely overlook and dismiss the taking of a human life—senselessly—but be angry about a Black man refusing to honor an anthem written by a Black slave owner. How dare he actually exercise the rights afforded to him by the First Amendment that flag is supposed to represent. Really?

  5. over 8 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    Hello, my hero! I’ve raised two generations of Black men and both have suffered harassment by rouge cops. I’m a praying mother and grandmother. God honored those prayers for their safety brought them home. Thank you to you and your son for your service.

  6. over 8 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    Typical…you missed the point of the cartoonist. I’m not surprised. Racist stupidity is long and strong in America. Okay, genius, apply your comment to the caregiver with the autistic patient and the ignorant cop shot him. By the way, genius, most of the Black men that are shot and killed DO NOT have criminal records.

  7. over 8 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    Wow! I love that comment…thank you so very kindly for understanding and stating what seems to not be obvious to others.

  8. over 8 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    Well, Jeddidyah, I’m not a 49ers fan (although back in the day I loved me some Joe Montana); I do appreciate your social protest comment. As for Kaepernick, well, once upon a time, he was a good Field General. Don’t know what happened to him.

  9. over 8 years ago on Rob Rogers

    Wow! Un-damn-believable…thanks for sharing…I’m going to look into the Portland OR shooting with the lady and the bottle of booze. I have not heard of that shooting.

  10. over 8 years ago on Rob Rogers

    Thank you