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littlegraymonster Free

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  1. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Hi folks – hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to share something I’ve done to honor our friend Brein43 (Martha). She never would have considered herself an artist, but she had a very distinct doodle style and left simple line drawings of cats, dogs, mice, weasels and other animals wherever she went. (Like placemats at restaurants that didn’t notice a couple of grown-ups had nabbed some of their crayons.) I have translated some of her doodles to a fabric design that you can see here: https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/9399109-martha-s-critters-by-little_gray_monster and here: https://society6.com/littlegraymonstercrafts. Aren’t these cute? Oh, and I’m donating my proceeds to the Cat Adoption Team in Sherwood, Oregon. We used to go to their fundraisers, but never adopted from their because our cats all just showed up, kind of like Goldie and Bea.I also have an ulterior motive in mentioning the Spoonflower site here – I think the world would be a better place if it had BCN themed fabric in it! Remember Tommy’s footed jammies from the Peep Toad episode? Wouldn’t it be great if we could have our own footed jammies in the same fabric? But what if you don’t sew? Well, this site also does wallpaper. How about Beatrix Color Coding Office Supplies wallpaper for your home office? Don’t you think this would be great?!?

  2. about 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Hi everyone. I talked to Brein43 earlier. She is in good spirits – even joked about the current state of our government. Although I’m not sure if that says more about her or the painkillers! She hopes to go home in a few days, where her crew of four reporters can let her be the biggest spoon.

    I don’t dare say how long it has been since my masters have been threatened by the vacuum. I don’t think my new dog knows I even have one…

  3. about 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Just heard from Brein43’s husband – long surgery but she came through it well and the news is pretty good considering. More follow-up once more is known. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and hugs!PS – pictures of the knitted cats are on the fan art page of the original BCN website.

  4. about 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Hi everyone – I’m a huge fan of BCN but haven’t commented here before (such a big fan that I knitted my own BCN cats). I’m also a big fan of the supportive community that has developed here so I thought I’d let folks know that my dearest friend and BCN’s biggest fan is going through a tough time right now. I will let her decide whether or not she wants to reveal herself, but regular comment readers know her. So for the next couple of days in particular, can you all wrap her in a big orb hug? Thanks everyone, and special thanks to Georgia for bringing us all into this community!

  5. almost 8 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    OMC – even my dog is excited!