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  1. over 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Actually, What Lupin is reacting too is puck’s “comeback” reply to elvis’s sarcastic statement about “objectively going on about how cute the baby is”. it’s the equivalent of one of your friends getting “burned” by a joke from another one of your buddies and you sitting there a laughing, pointing and just hyping it up like “ohhhhh, In your Face!”..my friends do this to each other all the time. :)

  2. over 8 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    gloriasfig-if you are referencing the “BRB” on sign as Beatrix’s signature…i thought it was short for “Be right back”.

  3. over 8 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Georgia, i just realized that something.. you were able to make me feel 8 emotions in 5 mins..

    Excitement- that there was a new BCN strip today

    Awed- by Trevor’s thoughtfulness and foresight

    Apprehensive -by the owl heading for Agatha

    Elated- by Puck’s idea and Beatrix ‘s actions and Baba’ reaction

    Eagerness- for the next installment

    Astonishment – as I re-read the whole thing, amazed at the storyline, character emotions and your attention to the smallest details in each scene

    …and finally Admiration and Grateful- to YOU, Georgia, for what you do, the way you do it and that you unselfishly choose to share it with us …thank you.

    p.s….i also feel Accomplished, because I am a very, very slow typer and it took a hour for me to type this.. so really 9 emotions :)

  4. over 8 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    never commented a strip before…but I got to say..I am so loving this strip right now. Puck’s ingenuity, Beatrix’s resourcefulness and Baba’s surprise are Priceless!