Regarding the seaweed….Only at night? and regarding the river being a “person”…does that mean they can now mandate having covid vaccine dumped in it? I understand that here, they want to add it to our vegetables… so are they also “people” here???
The civilians themselves don’t go to war…. unless they are invaded by another country…. at least that’s how it USED to be, but here in the US we just feed and support the invaders… …. but it is the governing bodies that start the invading actions…. and the citizens would rather just get on with their lives, while the young men of the countries, who can’t seem to find any other work, enlist in the military… and get sent to other countries where they will get killed, which suits the governing bodies that are trying to keep our populations down, because there really aren’t enough jobs for everyone, with robots taking over where we used to need laborers… and how many lawyers and doctors do we need??
Whio was it that dictated that so many people could cross into the us illegally, and get supported, with more benefits than citizens can, and who mandated a shot that both raised out death rate, and our cancer and heart rates, and stroke rates from clots, and younger people dying on the spot, and having us pay for sex changes on prisoners, and… and….. and….
Some “weeds” have lovely flowers!