complete suckers… believing in the “trickle down” bullshit… I won’t tell you what trickles down on them as they lap it up… and never get anywhere. The stock market IS NOT the economy. Most of these chumps don’t even own stock.
as an aside, I’m so grateful I can read this on-line since the cowardly Boston Globe dumped this strip and kept lame, tedious ones that keep repeating the same themes over and over (cough*Curtis*cough) or are sickeningly cutesy (cough*Rose Is Rose*cough)
no, the lyrics are rather personal… about someone from a label hitting on them. I never heard the early Bangs stuff. It was probably poppy but that was still the scene. Punk can encompass a wide variety of sounds, including more melodic styles. They definitely went beyond that, of course.
I remember that… someone got VERY offended I made fun of that… someone I don’t talk to anymore