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Anyone know what the message on the bench says?
How long was he willing to wait?
It’s supposed to be a vent pipe and go all the way down to the bottom pit. (Lived in Africa for 3 years.)
I’m going back in time to the beginning of Non-Sequitor. This just popped up. I love Wiley.
Recycled version from 1995:
Maybe it’s Linus’ crib and she wants it like the blanket.
And I suppose Biden is responsible for high gas prices and high inflation in the UK, Europe, and most of the world.
Kids can put in the appropriate logo on the hats with their crayons. I have some ideas.
What happens to Hobbes after Calvin gets on the bus?
According to Wikipedia, Joanie’s ex-husband was named Clinton Caucus so I guess she took his last name.
Anyone know what the message on the bench says?