The 24/7 news channels are run by for profit corporations and they will do and say anything that will keep viewers and keeping the shareholders happy campers. Most of them are acting as cheerleaders for their agendas which means actual journalism, seeking the truth, and discovering the facts have been thrown out with the wash water decades ago.
Warren gets so upset and flustered when the others push her about how she’d pay for all the free stuff? How will she react when faced with real life and death situations if elected? They all talk about gun control, but never address how it would work in the inner cities where most of the shootings occur?
Anything to keep the viewers from switching channels. Sadly, even the local weather reporters do the same, by predicting a huge snow or ice storm and nothing happens.
A sign of the times. I’ve seen groups of people sitting at the tables and never speaking to each other. Just working their thumbs texting someone. The art of conversation is being lost.
Sounds like it’s the start of a possible “My way or the highway” ending.