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John Jorgensen Free

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  1. 43 minutes ago on For Better or For Worse

    With my dad’s parents, yes. With my mom’s parents, eh. Time with my mom’s sister was always very stressful, I felt like I was walking on eggshells around her. Though I don’t recall ever spending more than a night or two at a time with her.

  2. about 1 hour ago on For Better or For Worse

    He might, but in addition to being self-employed, he’s also a fictional character. If a writer decides that sending characters on a vacation will make for a good story, then a lot of the mundane obstacles that could prevent them from getting away will disappear.

    We should all be so lucky.

  3. about 1 hour ago on For Better or For Worse

    Probably my last really significant vacation was in June of 2019. A week in Italy, one of those group tours that did two nights apiece in Rome, Florence, and Venice. Since then I’ve managed little weekend getaways and the like here and there.

  4. about 1 hour ago on For Better or For Worse

    All we know is that they’ll be in Mexico. We don’t know where in Mexico they’re going, what they’ll do there, where they’ll stay or what they’ll eat. It’s possible to travel to some parts of that country pretty cheaply.

  5. about 1 hour ago on For Better or For Worse

    If you had to pick just one of them, which would you pick?

  6. about 1 hour ago on For Better or For Worse

    Farley died mid-April, so ten months ago, more or less. And he died after the parents got back, so more like ten and a half. Maybe eleven, since the process of setting up April’s fall into the river seemed to take forever.

  7. about 1 hour ago on For Better or For Worse

    They’ll probably have more fun anyway. Traveling with small children is stressful.

  8. about 1 hour ago on FoxTrot Classics

    All the way up to XP, huh? How futuristic.

  9. about 1 hour ago on Baby Blues

    The second option isn’t that spooky.

  10. about 1 hour ago on The Lockhorns

    Yet another example of the Lockhorns inviting guests into their home and making no effort to entertain them. And after this guy put on a black suit with an unbuttoned jacket over an open-collar white shirt, too.

    I’m pretty sure that every time there’s a strip like this, the guest is someone new. I’m assuming that L&L are such poor hosts that no one ever accepts an invitation to visit them a second time.