The eye of god

Woodstock Generation Premium

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  1. 4 days ago on ViewsAfrica

    China had a one baby policy, which was enforced and has had significant ongoing effect because due to misogynistic traditions they are now short of females in that age bracket.

  2. 4 days ago on ViewsAfrica

    The significant problem is that European and Western lifestyles consume far too much energy and water, while producing far too much pollution. Moving large numbers of people will not reduce the strain on the planet. Except for solving all of the wars, we can help Africa and Asia if they can reduce their numbers by reducing the size of families. Unfortunately only an authoritarian country like China has been successful at this. Too many benefits in advanced societies are based on numbers. Too much greed is based on growth. The future of humanity has got to be smaller numbers of people more in tune with the environment. This can be achieved with AI and robotics providing support to the economy.

  3. 4 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    To quote another commentator “Another day another ruble” for Mr. Ramirez and Al Fresco.

  4. 4 days ago on Steve Kelley

    Are there not even 10 people in the GOP coherent enough to prep DT or is he incapable of listening to anyone?

  5. 4 days ago on Chip Bok

    Sarcasm doesn’t always work, but it is very evident here. How can anyone believe DJT would make the world better when he supports Iran’s ability to build nuclear weapons?

  6. 8 days ago on Gary Varvel

    This is excellent propaganda. I wonder where I have seen this before? Was it Goebbels or someone else?

  7. 9 days ago on ViewsMidEast

    I am not into conspiracy theories generally, but I do find it odd that Israel allowed a music festival or rave to occur on the border adjacent to Gaza. I heard a MOSSAD agent responsible for southern Gaza on the radio and she stated that they knew Hamas was preparing to attack Israel at least a year in advance, recently it was confirmed that other spy agencies and Egypt warned Israel of an impending attack. Could it be that Netanyahu and the far right factions sacrificed these progressive young people to create an excuse to attack Hamas directly in Gaza? I do agree that Hamas is a significant problem for Israel but there must be a better way to solve this issue.

  8. 9 days ago on ViewsBusiness

    I maintain that the number one cause of global warming, environmental pollution, groundwater pollution, drinking water scarcity, loss of animal diversity, loss of trees and vegetation, and the migration of huge numbers of people from their home countries is a simple fact, and that is the size of the human population.

    Only China has taken a significant step in dealing with this problem and it takes a totalitarian regime to impose a one baby policy. However if the world can be convinced to restrict families to 2 children, then I think that we would be on a path to solve most of these major problems.

  9. 10 days ago on Nick Anderson

    Some of the forecasts may have been exaggerated to scare people or were possibly just in error. Massive flooding has already occurred in coastal regions including storm surges in NY and Miami. I get a kick out of the propaganda from the RW side showing pictures of the Statue of Liberty a hundred years ago compared to today. This may work on people who live in the middle of a continent and have never been to the coast, but most people are aware that tides occur every 6 HOURS and can exceed 50 feet in some locations.

  10. 12 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Trump plans to increase the cost of everything with more tariffs. This is so he can cut taxes for the rich. I wonder how many MAGATs realize they have a target on their backs and it is all for the benefit of the leader of their cult.