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  1. about 7 hours ago on Clay Jones

    I would depend on the severity. A severe, uncontrolled asthmatic would probably not be accepted, but someone like me probably would be. There are certainly servicemembers with asthma, which was what I was getting at. Asthma treatment has come a long ways. When my grandma was younger, she was treated entirely with prednisone for her asthma, and it destroyed her skin, leaving it unbelievably fragile — she’d bruise if you even looked at her funny, and when a well-meaning paramedic once gave her a band-aid, she ended up needing a skin graft as a result. Today, you can use inhaled cortisone, which avoids the nasty systemic effects. That wasn’t available even thirty years ago.

  2. about 7 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    I believe you are correct. Furthermore, they had immigrated to the US legally.

  3. about 7 hours ago on Scott Stantis

    I can understand not wanting to vote for Biden, but I cannot understand wanting to vote for Trump. If one absolutely cannot stand the idea of voting for Biden, there are third party options.

  4. about 14 hours ago on Clay Jones

    “Asthma is far worse than cigarette smoking.” Depends on the asthma. I have asthma, diagnosed before I was a teen. Mine was classified as mild, exercised-induced asthma until relatively recently when it transitioned to moderate asthma. The key is to identify your triggers, and find a controller medication that works for you. A lot of people with asthma can lead entirely normal lives and even serve in the armed forces. That may not have been true forty years ago, before the invention of modern controller medications, but today most of the body of evidence doctors rely on for asthma actually comes from the US Department of Defense.

  5. about 14 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Nah, that’s pretty normal. Trolls have more opportunity because they don’t have anything better to do.

  6. about 15 hours ago on Steve Breen

    And that’s just for starters. The damage he’s done to the judiciary is enormous. He still brags about reversing Roe v Wade as if he’s done a good thing; I dearly hope that hurts him in November, because it was a terrible thing. We can’t vote out those justices he put in the SCOTUS, but we can keep him from returning.

    His behavior about the classified documents case shows the absolute contempt in which he holds our national security, as does the way he treated classified material while he was in office; he is a clear threat to our most sensitive secrets.

  7. about 15 hours ago on Steve Breen

    So, is your assumption then that people are either citizens or illegal aliens? You are not familiar with the concept of a legal permanent resident?

  8. about 15 hours ago on Chip Bok

    In which case, DEFCON 9 might be fairly accurate, actually. The Democrats have not been taking the threats posed by the Republicans seriously enough.

  9. about 15 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    I don’t miss Ronald Reagan, who we now know actually had Alzheimer’s Disease while in office, and who laid the groundwork for a lot of the economic and social problems we’re stuck with today.

  10. about 15 hours ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    I suspect Trump has spent so much time fabricating everything he says that he’s forgotten how to be truthful — if he ever even knew how.