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  1. about 15 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Same thing. But he was. Depending on the age of the dog when it’s done, they can still show interest in the ladies. They just won’t be able to act on it. I have a rescue pooch who didn’t get his little procedure until he was two and a half. His behavior around an intact female in heat was very different from that of all the other male dogs in the room; the others had all had the procedure as puppies. He didn’t try anything, but he was super interested in her scent.

  2. about 16 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    It depends. There was a golden retriever in our neighborhood who was pushed around in one of those enclosed carts meant to be towed behind a bicycle. He was very elderly and could hardly walk. But his family took him out for a “walk” every day (weather permitting) anyway until the day came when they had to make that final vet trip because it gave him so much joy to get out of the house and smell things.

    And then there was the elderly dachsund in the neighborhood where I grew up. The dog had suffered the same ailment that so many dachsunds do later in life — hind leg paralysis due to a spinal injury. (They tend to have a lot of back problems due to their anatomy.) They didn’t get a stroller, but instead carried the dog football-style for walks around the park. The dog showed interest in its environment on these walks, so it was probably worthwhile, but as this was before carts were widely available, it was probably the only way the dog was still going to be able to enjoy the outdoors.

    Granted, not all people walking their dogs in strollers are doing this because of disability, and sometimes it’s just silly. Sometimes it’s because the dog is very small and liable to be stepped on, or because the dog has a behavioral issue making it necessary to keep the animal contained as dog strollers typically are also a sort of soft crate. But there is more to the walk than just physical exercise. As important as physical exercise is, the walk is also about intellectual stimulation, and if a stroller or cart is necessary to keep the dog safe while seeing a bit more of the world, and as long as the dog is getting exercise some other way, I don’t have a problem with it.

  3. about 22 hours ago on Savage Chickens

    Oh lord, I remember that job……

  4. about 22 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Execution, Monty Hall style! :-D

  5. about 22 hours ago on La Cucaracha

    “No, I don’t think I am missing the point. SCOTUS says police can arrest you if they ask for ID and you fail to provide any.”

    This is reminiscent of the curious situation of being arrested on the sole charge of resisting arrest.

  6. about 22 hours ago on Frazz

    Caulfield is in a state of quantum superposition.

  7. about 22 hours ago on Frazz

    Or else he’s saying “learn from my mistakes”.

  8. about 22 hours ago on FoxTrot

    I once saw “sarchasm” (spelling intentional) defined as “the expanse between what was said and what was understood”.

  9. about 22 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    He is indeed. This is, of course, a comic strip and that means someone has to be the butt of jokes in order for the jokes to be made. It doesn’t always fall on John; other jokes fall on Ellie. But in the end their love shines through and you are right that he takes it in good dignity.

  10. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Oooooo! I love the smell of a used book store.