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Recent Comments

  1. over 8 years ago on Luann

    I created this account for the sole purpose of making this comment – I have read Luann on this site for several years, and perused the comments with amusement and sometimes annoyance at some people who insist on getting caught up on certain points, or who seem to consistently dislike the comic but return day after day only to continue disliking it. Not having read the comic from the beginning, I have had questions from time to time about this character or that character. So, speaking as someone who has never spoken on here before, only read, I would like to thank Kymberleigh and SukieCrandall for taking the time and trouble to have created the FAQs. It seems a very nice thing to have done for readers such as myself, who may have idle questions but don’t quite have the burning interest (or maybe just not the time) to search the internet for answers. For those who consistently pick on Kymberleigh over the FAQs – if people can take the time to complain and find things wrong with a comic strip, what is the matter with someone taking the time to compile answers to commonly asked questions? As others have said about negative comments – if you don’t like them, it is a simple matter to scroll past them. Short version – Kymberleigh and SukieCrandall have done a favor even for people who don’t post. Please do not take away the FAQs – far from being clutter, they actually prevent clutter in the form of repeated questions.