Cervelo's Profile
cervelo Free
In order of priority: in a relationship for over 40 years, father, grand-father, pragmatist, retired, avid cyclist, relies on what can be observed and proven objectively.
In order of priority: in a relationship for over 40 years, father, grand-father, pragmatist, retired, avid cyclist, relies on what can be observed and proven objectively.
You are obviously not a cyclist. Neither was my wife when she decided she and I would ride together. At first we looked like fools, me riding with traffic and her riding against like she had been shown ( presumably for safety). It took the best part of the summer, but eventually when she saw how easily I could negociate a busy intersection compared to her, she made the move. At an intersection she had to walk the bike across, while I just had to take my place in the queue and proceed as if I were a car, on the saddle. Try it before you comment it.