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Is that different from his stream of consciousness?
Like I said, it’s trivial. On the Brodway album Maria sang: “…pretty and witty and BRIGHT,” to rhyme with NIGHT. In the movie the setting was changed and the lyric was adjusted to “… pretty and witty and GAY,” to rhyme with DAY.
Trivia quiz: do they have the Broadway album or the 1961 movie?
The last LOR film came out in 2003! Has anyone checked with Jeff to see if that’s the movie he had in mind?
I doubt if Jackson ever read LOR all the way through — the Cliff-Notes, maybe.
Gracie is suddenly holding the guitatr left-handed. Is she ambidextrous?
I have always been careful to write the right rite.
A double negative is NOT essentially a positive – except in algebra. In English grammar, negatives are cumulative.
It’s been so long I don’t remember.
I wonder what has happened in the past four years to sales of red neckties.
Is that different from his stream of consciousness?