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I always was taught the “C” was for ceilings, the “G” was for ground.
Guess they shouldn’t set up in 20 mph school zones either? Heck with those pesky pedestrians anyway.
You’d think his fame would have preceded him.
Looks like it with a couple dwarfs. I don’t get it though.
That would that be Susan Rice or Ron Klain?
I guess you’re trying to be funny, but that’s what the comma was for. Sadly it is common in the US to not know punctuation, syntax and spelling.
Yep, sad state of affairs in the U.S. Unfortunately, our stupidity is spreading to the E.U. Wonder when it will spread to China(never)?
How appropriate that it’s D.C. Better place would have been Chicago, but kind of hard to draw that..
Had the same reaction in a bathroom once, thought, “that’s a poor looking guy there”
LOL My closed captions on my TV won’t display the words “cocktail”, “suspicion”, "nipper’ and anyone named Richards nickname. What a country.
I always was taught the “C” was for ceilings, the “G” was for ground.