This happened to me once, except it was a striped towel I used to cover myself with.
Doozy came into the language from Duesenberg, one of the fanciest cars available at the time. It was a Doozy.
No one but a blockhead ever wrote but for money.—some famous guy from history said.
I used to live in Easley, SC and I knew Mary Boggess.
That’s Animal Farm, one of his other books. It is a great book.
They are hiding in the same cave with the credit reporting agencies.
I don’t know how this became a thing. Guys in my family are ready for the emergency room before they will admit that they are sick.
that’s why many papers moved it to the editorial page.
“Is life so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”—Patrick Henry
Thought is sub-motal speech. Diagramming sentences helps you clarify your thoughts.
This happened to me once, except it was a striped towel I used to cover myself with.