Profile picture 1466872462

Kitty Katz Free

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  1. about 9 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile (Classic Edition)

    Beatrixia: Looks like all the sisters met fine cats. Except for the youngest. What happened between her and Pink Lupin?

    Elvis-Anum: According to the story, at the end of the Yarn Ball the four older sisters introduced their young cats to Tommy, who was delighted to meet them. But young Ora Zella was nowhere to be found.

    Here’s the rest of the story:

    Chef Tommy: I’m delighted to meet you, young cats. I am sure you all are fine, upstanding cat men.

    Puck: I would like to ask you for Sophie’s paw in marriage, Chef Tommy.

    Elvis: And I would like to court Tabitha, who is not intimidated by my poofing.

    Chef Tommy: Agreed.

    Captain Iggy: I must go back to my ship, but I would like to come to an understanding with Beatrix. When I’m back from sailing and she completes her studies at University, we would like to wed.

    Burt: And I would like to wed Goldie as soon as I have made Run Down Estate Habitable.

    Chef Tommy: This is all wonderful news. But where is Ora Zella?

    Puck: Oh, no! It seems Pink Lupin is missing as well!

  2. about 20 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Welcome back!

  3. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Tomato, tomahto.

  4. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    I prefer lapping my cat. That can go on all day, or until I must answer the call of nature, whichever comes first.

  5. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meowrise Dickens wrote some of the most iconic works:

    The Kitwick Papers

    The Kitty By the Hearth

    Martin Chuzzelkit

    A Catmas Carol

    The Curious Cat Treat Shop

    Oliver Mew

    And no list would be complete without the ever-popular A Tale of Two Kitties.

  6. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile (Classic Edition)

    Beatrixia: Looks like all the sisters met fine cats. Except for the youngest. What happened between her and Pink Lupin?

    Elvis-Anum: According to the story, at the end of the Yarn Ball the four older sisters introduced their young cats to Tommy, who was delighted to meet them. But young Ora Zella was nowhere to be found.

    Here’s the rest of the story:

    Chef Tommy: I’m delighted to meet you, young cats. I am sure you all are fine, upstanding cat men.

    Puck: I would like to ask you for Sophie’s paw in marriage, Chef Tommy.

    Elvis: And I would like to court Tabitha, who is not intimidated by my poofing.

    Chef Tommy: Agreed.

    Captain Iggy: I must go back to my ship, but I would like to come to an understanding with Beatrix. When I’m back from sailing and she completes her studies at University, we would like to wed.

    Burt: And I would like to wed Goldie as soon as I have made Run Down Estate Habitable.

    Chef Tommy: This is all wonderful news. But where is Ora Zella?

    Puck: Oh, no! It seems Pink Lupin is missing as well!

  7. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I still want to believe the people are more misguided than intentionally cruel. I confess I was none too gentle with my first puppy (I was eight). I saw the light, and Kerry and I were inseparable for the next seventeen years.

  8. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    From Les Miserables: Bring Him Home

    Ceiling Cat, hear my prayer!

    In my need You have always been there!

    Our friend Soph, she’s afraid

    Let her know, we are there,

    We’ll bring her home!

    Bring her home!

    Bring her home!

    Please let her know we’re on our way!

    All of us, each and every one!

    Please let her know we’ll be there

    Please tell her, don’t despair!

    And we will see she’s safe and sound!

    Bring her peace, bring her love,

    Cat on High, please watch her from above

    You can take, you can give

    Please let her return to where she lives

    Bring her home!

    Bring her home!

    Bring her home!

  9. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile (Classic Edition)

    Beatrixia: And what about the other three sisters?

    Elvis-Anum: Here the story goes on:

    The superb piano playing was performed by Chef Tommy’s daughter, Beatrix, who played the most intricate pieces by virtue of her polydactyl paws. Her playing captured the attention of the intrepid sea captain, Captain Iggy.

    Iggy: Hello, miss Beatrix. I love how you play piano. You are definitely a talented cat.

    Beatrix: Thank you, Captain. It comes from many years of study and practice.

    Iggy: Are you planning to study music at University?

    Bea: That is my dream. I’ll have to see if it can happen.

    At the buffet table

    Goldie: Hello, sir. I believe I had the pleasure of serving you and your cousin, Mr. Collins a pineapple pizza.

    Burt: Yes. You were most gracious. I know some poof at the very thought of pineapple on top of pizza.

    Goldie: Not all of us. I know it takes all kinds to make a world. Are you from this area, Mr. Burt?

    Burt: Not originally, but I recently purchased the Run Down Estate. I am going to restore it to its original beauty.

    Goldie: What a wonderful idea. I am rather handy, you know.

    Burt: Perhaps your family can visit and see how my renovations go.

    Goldie: That would be wonderful. Do you see that pink cat over there?

    Burt: That’s the infamous Pink Lupin. He’s a snow-white cat, but somehow has acquired pink fur. Some say tomatoes were involved.

    Goldie: And my sister, Ora Zella is going over to talk to him. I’m not so sure about this.

  10. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    The Beach Boys: California Girls

    Well potting soil’s groovy

    I love how it feeds the plants we eat

    And we need bags of rice and spuds

    The Humans deserve a treat

    There are bags full of groceries, and we’re glad they bring them home

    Some bags contain items of things that are still unknown


    I wish they all could be bags with kibble filled!

    I wish they all could be bags with kibble filled!


    We don’t want bags of kebble, or gourmet cat food, no!

    It comes in flavors of chicken, tuna, all goes to show!

    Sometimes the People spend their money on new foods we have to try

    But we’ll always go back to the food that we love, that is the best to buy!


    I wish they all could be bags with kibble filled!

    I wish they all could be bags with kibble filled!