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  1. over 8 years ago on Luann

    No idea whether these two cartoon characters would be a great couple, but I absolutely agree that Jack is a pretty normal guy. I wonder about people whose lives are so limited that they would see an open, outgoing, friendly person as a threat or as a pervert.

  2. over 8 years ago on Luann

    Every human is potentially good or evil. The question is what each of us does with that potential. If you are serious with your comment, you need professional help.

  3. over 8 years ago on Luann

    I don’t see Jack as a pest. Other than that, your comments reflect my thoughts pretty closely. If we can’t make friends with people we meet, we won’t have many friends.

    Most everybody in the Luann world became friends by getting to know their classmates. Why does that suddenly become stalking when it happens in college instead of grade/high school?

  4. over 8 years ago on Luann

    If Luann wants to ask him to leave, she should do so. Assaulting someone who is being friendly is not really rational behavior.

  5. over 8 years ago on Luann

    Some of the comments here are scary. This is a case of two college-age guys flirting with two college-age girls. There is no stalking here. While Luann may not have shown much interest in Jack, she was quite appreciative when he helped her out in art class.

    As far as the “respecting boundaries” comments go, if we all “respected boundaries”, we’d never make friends. Friendships start when we lower our defenses, and reach out to others. None of us have exactly the same “boundaries”, and some people play “hard-to-get”. Part of flirting is a matter of testing boundaries. Nobody here has violated anyone else, or been violated.

    Jack is friendly and outgoing. One of the keys to being a good salesperson (and being a good flirt) is not taking rejection too personally or too seriously. “Me thinks thou dost protest too much.” Jack is not the clueless one here.

    Who knows where Greg will go with this, but for imaginary characters, they are all behaving pretty normally. This arc is a fair reflection of life, even if some readers may be too sophisticated or paranoid to enjoy it.