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Recent Comments

  1. almost 6 years ago on Speed Bump


  2. about 8 years ago on Frazz

    At least one of us here lives on the Mississippi and knows the real rule. Know which direction you went when you left home and where the buoys were, and do it bass-ackwards coming home. Worked for Grandpa in the Armistice Day blizzard, works for me now I do not need to know if Frazz is going north or south, I need to know to miss killing him with my truck.

  3. about 8 years ago on Frazz

    At least one of us here lives on the Mississippi and knows the real rule. Know which direction you went when you left home and where the buoys were, and do it bass-ackwards coming home. Worked for Grandpa in the Armistice Day blizzard, works for me now I do not need to know if Frazz is going north or south, I need to know to miss killing him with my truck.

  4. about 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    To bad ‘the Donald’ ran against Hilary…. Jesse Ventura would have whopped his butt.

  5. about 8 years ago on Broom Hilda

    “Okay – that is disturbing”

  6. about 8 years ago on Over the Hedge

    If it was a girl raccoon, she would not need to ask.