Scan 20171212

anne o Free

old would-be hermit, former physicist, part time medical professional in order to support cat family. Lawful neutral, INTJ, ei,ei o.

Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes, congratulations!

  2. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    He and his housemates are in during bad weather and at night, but their people let them out when the cats want to when the weather’s good. They live on a big plot of land, and I think they think that makes it safe. Of course, it doesn’t.

  3. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    The cat is walking much better now, so he is improving. And, he’s eating and drinking. We may never know what felled him, but at least it looks like he’s going to be ok. Thanks for everyone’s help! This is the best group!

  4. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I don’t think the vet he saw took x-rays or did any diagnostics. I agree, the cat needs more! I’m grateful for the help here!

  5. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I have friends in central Indiana whose 3 year old healthy male cat was out all night and in the morning was fearful and unsteady on his feet. The vet said he had vertigo. The cat seems to be slowly recovering and my friends are getting a second opinion, but does anyone know what would cause a cat to suddenly have balance problems?

  6. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    O.T. need advice, please

  7. 7 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Many years ago my husband and I found a young cat who’d been hiding in a big box hardware store. We took him to our vet for checkup and shots, neutering, the works, then picked him up the next day when he was still groggy. We put him in a large crate with food and water and litter box and toys to let him recover without the other cats bothering him. The poor guy awakened and then just lay there with his eyes open, not moving. We worried he was hurt or perhaps brain damaged somehow, I crawled in the crate with him to try to get a response out of him. Nothing. The vet was closed, and our cats had looked at him and lost interest, so after a while we took the crate down around him and left him there with his toys, etc. He looked around, got up and walked off to explore and was just fine. Depressed cat! For future cats, we started putting them in rooms alone where they could smell the other cats under the door for a while before face to face meeting!

  8. 18 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    All good thoughts, purrs and healing head bumps!

  9. 28 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Maybe Violet could install one on an episode of This Old Mouse!

  10. 28 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    For hefty cats, they sometimes can push out a screen itself, just with their weight. I saw a shelter in an old house with the neatest fix. It requires four trim strips per window, two long and two slightly shorter, and a prefab wire shelf with a lip from a big box home store. The strips are installed two to a side, longest strip next to the window, and the shelf is dropped down with the lip resting on the short trim strips. The windows can be open, cats can’t fall out, it’s easily removed and looks clean. A cat can’t sit in the window frame with this, but a cat ledge is easy to install. Maybe