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  1. almost 3 years ago on Looks Good on Paper

    I can see you from my house. We love Lake St Clair!

  2. about 5 years ago on Ted Rall

    Two things: Yes, one must use up all of your resources (but not your home!) before Medicaid will begin paying for your nursing home care. It happened to my aunt who I was the legal guardian and conservator for over the last eight years of her life. Most of her savings (and she had a lot) paid for an “assisted living” situation for six years, (private pay ONLY), then two years in a nursing home. The second year in that nursing home was paid for by Medicaid, after her own savings ran dry. I witnessed no change in the quality of her care. Medicaid was supplemented by most of her Social Security income, which the nursing home took directly from the government.Medicare for all, or single payer, those are entirely different things. One or the other are possible, but Medicaid would continue as is, as far as I know right now. I think. Maybe. Oh, hell, who knows!?

  3. about 6 years ago on Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

    It’s not garbage if you are a secular humanist.