Maybe the Mailman will see her when he brings the mail and let the catnappers know that Sophie belongs to another family that is looking for her. I’m sure he saw a poster about her on his route.She really can’t be rescued too soon. She needs water, food, and a litter box.
Now, that my husband is smoking less, the neighbors miss seeing him sitting on the front porch because his being there so often seems to have been a deterrent to people breaking into cars on our street. No one is suggesting he return to smoking more.
Andy Williams Christmas CD and a few long out of print albums from 60+ years ago. Doctor Demento’s Christmas CD when we need some a bit of comic relief.
The first documented Thanksgiving in the former British colonies was actually celebrated at Berkeley Plantation in Virginia in 1619 – before the Pilgrims ever reached what is now the United States. Before that there is evidence that the Spanish held a similar day in modern day Florida and it is probable that the Vikings did the same in Canada.
Fantastic plot twist!