
Dianne Lee Free

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  1. about 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Getting over the election is one thing. Excusing every crazy thing done by this administration is a whole nuther thing.

  2. about 8 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    The news is only an hour long. It takes longer than that just to report on everything Trump has done that is mind boggling for this particular day. There isn’t time to report on everything that everyone in his administration has done that would scare you to death. Actually, I think part of his clown show may be to provide a distraction for the damage being quietly done in the congress.

  3. about 8 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    It’s not really that complicated. The Republicans have an easy out. Just go to single payer. That was what the Democrats have been trying to accomplish since FDR, so they will vote for it. The Trump supporters will be thrilled that Trump got rid of Obamacare, and if Trump doesn’t tell them it was the Democrats’ plan, they will never know it. No one will lose insurance so no one dies, it’s a win-win, except for the insurance companies, who have been fighting against universal coverage for decades. They will simply have to agree to cover everyone, at a price the government agrees to, or the government can provide the insurance directly and cut them out completely.

  4. about 8 years ago on Joel Pett

    OK, I am having a hard time since Trump has been in charge determining what is intended as satire and what is simply the ravings of a deeply disturbed individual. Could you please let me know which category I should consider you to be in?

  5. about 8 years ago on Pluggers

    Trickle Down works wonderfully for the people it was intended to help. It’s Republican, so the only reason you think it didn’t work is that you thought it was intended to help people who weren’t already rich. You simply misunderstood the objective.

  6. about 8 years ago on Cul de Sac

    In the mid 70’s, I taught cursive writing for 30 minutes a day during the entire third grade. And, the kids were doing some pretty beautiful writing by the end of the year. The other third grade teacher in the building ignored the curriculum directive that mandated this and just told the kids to start writing in cursive. By the end of sixth grade, when you compared their writing, you couldn’t tell the difference. And, anyway, if you really want cursive, there are fonts for that.

  7. about 8 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    There is a very simple out for the Republicans- single payer. It’s uncomplicated, so it can be done within a time limit adequate for their supporters to keep the faith that they are destroying Obamacare. It covers everyone, so no one is going to die because they destroyed Obamacare, which creates bad press. And, it was what the Democrats were trying to accomplish when the Republicans stuck their noses in and created the mess that Obamacare became. And, Democrats have BEEN trying to accomplish it since FDR, so a lot of Democrats are going to vote for it even if the Republicans get the credit. The Democrats will be happy to get what they wanted for decades, the Tea party types will be delighted that they destroyed Obamacare, and nobody even has to die.

  8. about 8 years ago on Joel Pett

    Quit whining about congress as if it isn’t our own fault. Congress is the people WE elected. If you don’t want the laws written so that the rich folks can buy the elections, look up your congressman and senator in OPEN SECRETS.com. It tells you where his/her money is coming from. We all have to do the bidding of who ever is supplying the money to pay our bills. So do politicians. If most of their money is coming from individuals, unions, or other organizations representing the Middle Class, that is who they are going to work for. If most of their money is from banks, etc, they are going to work for the 1%. They don’t really have any choice if they want to win the next election. To vote against the 1% would be political suicide.

  9. about 8 years ago on Rob Rogers

    The Republicans have an easy out on this. Go for single payer. That’s what the Democrats wanted in the first place, so they will get enough Democratic votes to pass it. Obamacare started out pretty good, but by the time it made it through congress it was sufficiently messed up, deliberately or through a lack of forethought, that it was simply the best deal the Democrats could get. And, it was the result of efforts toward health care that began with the New Deal in the depression. So, Obama took what he could get. It’s not good, but it’s better than nothing and forces the Republicans to have to do something about the issue. So, if they go for Single Payer, it will be the best thing for the voters, who will credit the Republicans, and the Democrats will get what they wanted in the first place, except of course, that they would prefer that they had gotten credit for it.

  10. about 8 years ago on Matt Davies

    The Republicans have an easy out on this. Go for single payer. That’s what the Democrats wanted in the first place, so they will get enough Democratic votes to pass it. Obamacare started out pretty good, but by the time it made it through congress it was sufficiently messed up, deliberately or through a lack of forethought, that it was simply the best deal the Democrats could get. And, it was the result of efforts toward health care that began with the New Deal in the depression. So, Obama took what he could get. It’s not good, but it’s better than nothing and forces the Republicans to have to do something about the issue. So, if they go for Single Payer, it will be the best thing for the voters, who will credit the Republicans, and the Democrats will get what they wanted in the first place, except of course, that they would prefer that they had gotten credit for it.