
Shirl Summ Premium

Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on The Buckets

    Camera angle.

  2. 5 days ago on One Big Happy

    I knew that was coming. tee-hee

  3. 7 days ago on Luann


  4. 14 days ago on Pickles

    Sarah Palin didn’t say that. Tina Fey said it on SNL while impersonating Palin.

  5. 18 days ago on The Dinette Set

    That was literally how it was back in the day. smh

  6. 21 days ago on The Big Picture


  7. 22 days ago on The Buckets

    I LIKE it!

  8. 22 days ago on Aunty Acid

    Balance in life; one thing big compensated by one thing small.

  9. 22 days ago on Adam@Home

    What eeese this too much coffee you speak of? Eeet can’t be possible.

  10. 27 days ago on Frazz

    Well when I was young, (150 years ago) before airconditioning in schools, we would go out and do some studies when it was too hot to be inside. Of course everyone was expected to mind their manners back then or be sent home.