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  1. 8 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    It’s the best – and most delicious- way for post-menopausal women to lose weight!! And no, gallbladder won’t be negatively affected.

  2. about 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    Starchy veggies (and beans and grains) = blood glucose spikes. Glucose spikes = high insulin. High insulin = inflammation. Inflammation = T2Diabetes (among many other chronic illnesses). Meat = no blood glucose spikes. No glucose spikes = no insulin spikes. No insulin spikes = no inflammation. So yes, vegan/vegetarian diets can indeed cause the need for medical care. Ask me how I know (30+ yr EX-vegan/vegetarian). Meat heals.

  3. about 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    Was vegan for 30+ years until my blood work started going south fast. Added eggs in and it helped some but not enough. Ketovoire for the win! Meat heals.

  4. over 1 year ago on John Deering

    How did math/science/medicine and reality-based advanced education become the enemy of so many? Here is one example: Google “sugar industry pays off Harvard scientists” and read about how sugar was made to appear just fine for human consumption while fat was made to be evil, when just the opposite was true. Go further back to tobacco. And then look around and see how much chronic disease there is. And that chronic disease relies on constant medication. It’s always been about money! Yes, there is some genuine curiosity in science, medicine, etc, but mostly it’s about how something can be profited from. And that is why so many have lost faith in those institutions.

  5. over 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    How awful!! Sorry for your loss! That is much too young for a sibling to pass :(

  6. almost 2 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I use to think that too – could not get rid of the extra pounds that came on in my 50’s (organic, vegan, exercised every day for 1+ hrs). I had pretty much given up on it all. Then changed to very low carb (think keto, carnivore) and boom, the extra weight came right off without exercise. While I do resistance exercise now, it is to keep tone and help bones. It really is a super-simple, healthy way of eating (as my blood tests show, including reversal of metabolic syndrome) and best of all don’t need any meds. This way of eating is great for older folks. I wish more people would research it and give it a try.

  7. almost 2 years ago on Pluggers

    My (successful) approach: buy a glucose meter and strips (Walmart’s is cheap and accurate) and test before eating, and then 1 hr. post eating, 2 hrs and 3 hrs and document how much your glucose rose. If more than 30 points in the after-eating phase, then the food has too many carbs for YOU to handle. We are all a bit different and have different food-carb tolerances. This approach works for me. Reversed all pre-diabetes / metabolic issues quickly. Now I’m on maintenance and test in the morning and only if I eat a new food. It really could not be simpler and best of all it works!

  8. about 2 years ago on Garfield Classics

    Has your husband tried eating low-carb to reverse his diabetes? It really, truly does work. A good place to start is the Beat Diabetes channel on YouTube. Diabetes (such an awful disease) also contributes to nerve issues and damage so going low-carb may, over time, help alleviate some of the pain. I realize the other is a hereditary condition, but some of the nerve pain he is having may be neuropathy from the diabetes. Just a thought… :-)

  9. about 3 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Please investigate low-carb eating. Works great for me keeping A1C in normal range without drugs – and T2 strongly runs in my family.