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dlavigne Free

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  1. 16 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I am SO very sorry! My husband is a combat vet and we have friends battling depression every single day. We work hard to be there for them, even though we know it might not be enough. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I live in VT and we’re now getting Tornado Warnings (from Beryl). And to top it all off, today is the same day our local towns flooded due to a storm LAST YEAR! I’m lucky. My house is on a hill, but some of my friends 3 houses down from me lost their basement and their driveway from it. We’re all on edge.

    Glad you are OK!

  3. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    We hear our Alexa talking to herself in my office when we’re downstairs ALL the time. My husband believes in ghosts – and he says the female ghost talks to Alexa and Alexa communicates back. The cats DO stare at it as well, so I think they see SOMETHING.

  4. 6 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m in Vermont. We had spectacular weather here and the view was AMAZING. Luckily, I didn’t have to drive anywhere. Our two pups were outside with us playing ball – didn’t affect them at all. They just laid down in the snow (we got 23" less than a week ago) when the sky went dark, then immediately started playing again as the sun came back out. The 2 cats were inside the house, just chilling.

  5. 6 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    So sorry for your loss. Give yourself time to heal. You will always have her with you. I lost my mom 6 years ago. It still hurts, even though I knew it was coming.

  6. 9 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Same here for me: if the power is out, my well pump does not work. We have to get buckets of water for the toilets too.

  7. 11 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I really have to make you all laugh. I have two 13-year-old boy cats, a year old girl pup and a 3-year-old boy pup. Yesterday when she went outside, she dropped her FAVORITE ball – and promptly started to dig a hole. Well, about 10 minutes later – she comes hopping over to me with her new toy! She dug up a big fat mole! I persuaded her to let it go and come inside with her ball. About an hour later, the boy pup went outside – and lo and behold – found that same poor mole again. When I got it away from him, though, it hadn’t made it. Poor mole….

  8. 11 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    One of my two boy kitties is now 13 years old (the other is almost 14 now). His name is Fiji. He loves to meow at us for his treats but does it in the cutest way. He just opens his mouth and “meows” – but no sound comes out. He DOES have a voice because he will ROOOWWW quite loudly when the two dogs want to play with him, but he likes to just “whisper” at his people most of the time.

  9. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    I am SO sorry! Poor little Mischief. So sad.

  10. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    I had to laugh this morning. I turned the calendar to SEPTEMBER and who should appear?? The RACCOONS!