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To eat the Pez you simply break the spine by snapping the head back, rip out one of the tasteless neck bones, and chew up the bone to get the imagined marrow. Making growling sounds at the other kids…that’s optional. No?
Mon aéroglisseur est plein d’anguilles.
I’m high alright. But not on false drugs! I’m high on the real thing: powerful gasoline, a clean windshield, and a shoeshine!
Rhythm & Blues … so sorta kinda.
What is hip? (>
We’ve all been used and re-used… and abused… and amused!
Delfeayo Marsalis knew that the crucial first step in becoming a great jazz trombonist is getting born into a New Orleans musical dynasty.
The books didn’t need a “plucky teenage sidekick”… yet somehow for this series to get greenlighted…
At least it’s not a problem with his “sweetbreads”…
Whenever training makes a better AI algorithm, nature makes humans better stupid.
To eat the Pez you simply break the spine by snapping the head back, rip out one of the tasteless neck bones, and chew up the bone to get the imagined marrow. Making growling sounds at the other kids…that’s optional. No?