Hey, let’s talk about Adams (which is what the cartoon is about). I think he’s crossed the line a few too many times for me to support his strip. It’s sad – I really like Dilbert.
There once was a Russian leader named Putin, He thought everybody his name would be tootin’, Ukraine he would quickly blitz, but the invasion has given him fits; Maybe they should change his name to Kaputin!
WOW, are you ever negative about the Chinese. How do you know they’re ALL miserable, etc? You are throwing them all under the bus. Some would say America is not exactly an attractive country right now either.
I would say quit posting about the next day’s comic. I, and many others, don’t know what it’s going to be (in advance). Most of us are just fine with reading the comics one day at a time.
Thanks for that comment, otherwise I woodn’t have got this joke.