the girls at my work would not have a problem (as they keep a pair of casual dress shoes in their desk as they constantly wear tennis shoes (or Snow Boots) in
around here they will not let a kid have a paper route as they require the delivery person have a vehicle and make the route go though multiple neighborhoods and in a time frame one can not do the job on a bike or on foot with a wagon (like I use to do as a kid)
I think Nancy is welcoming as a Grandmother should be (it most likely only a matter of time before Brad and Toni are the guardians of Shannon, and Auntie Luann can help when she not at work / school
Python is a software languageJoke Is Rita used an actual pythonSecond joke is Rita hire a Monte Python Comedian (British) doing a skit of the Ministry of Silly walks
roy should still shave if for some reason you need to put a mask on any length of Beard will not allow for a good seal