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  1. 6 days ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Bob Marlin: “No Woman No Fry” Paul Salmon: “50 Ways to Leave the Harbor”

  2. 6 days ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Starfish = Starship, formerly Jefferson Starship, formerly Jefferson Airplane. Debbie Herring = Debbie Harry of the group Blondie

  3. 6 days ago on The Argyle Sweater

    They changed the band’s name in 1984 to just Starfish after Paul Koi-ntner sued over use of the name Jefferson Starfish.

  4. 10 days ago on Red and Rover

    I recall my older sister had one of these. Now that I think about it, just about everybody’s older sister had one of these back then.

  5. 13 days ago on Lio

    Yep, I follow some Youtubers who are obsessive Halloween decorators and they start hitting the decor stores around Memorial Day to check out the new Halloween merch being rolled out.

  6. 14 days ago on Barney & Clyde

    It was not a favorite of Eno’s when they were producing the record and there was a motion to remove it altogether. David Byrne however felt there was something about the music which he felt he could pull together with the right lyrics. His vocal delivery was inspired by radio evangelists, he wanted to capture the same sort of meter as he heard in their sermons.

  7. 14 days ago on Garfield

    A quick internet search turns up Del Monte and other brands of canned spinach as well as that brand with Popeye on the label as somebody previously mentioned.

  8. 14 days ago on Speed Bump

    IMHO I would rather have an abundance of ways to contact the owner than none at all. My garage has been a temporary home to multiple stray dogs with no identifying information. Fortunately all have been reunited with their owners but only after investing a good bit of my time in perusing lost-and-found listings on various social media sites.

    So please have good contact info on your dog’s tags and also consider getting them chipped. A couple of the dogs I’ve taken in did originally have tags with contact information but apparently some jackanapes removed their collars with all the tags.

  9. 14 days ago on Wrong Hands

    The third panel may actually be have some scientific merit.

    In 2019 scientists studying moon rocks acquired from a 1971 Apollo mission determined that one of the rocks was of terrestrial origin. The rock has also been determined to be the oldest Earth rock ever discovered at over 4 billion years old. The current most likely hypothesis is that the rock formed within our planet’s crust and later got jettisoned to the moon by one of the many daily meteor impacts that bombarded early Earth.

    This has led others to speculate that the dino-killing asteroid impact may have hurled dinosaurs out of the planet’s atmosphere and into space (albeit in much more fragmentary form than depicted here). Some have even gone so far as to suggest that we may someday discover such fragmentary dinosaur fossils on the moon, though it should be noted that the moon was much closer to the Earth 4 billion years ago than 66 million years ago

  10. 16 days ago on The Dinette Set

    I went to the 50th Anniversary re-release of “The Exorcist” last year. There’s a scene where Regan’s mother is discussing her condition with her doctors and literally every one of them is smoking while in the hospital. The audience burst out in laughter.