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  1. 11 months ago on Get Fuzzy

    As the shout-out in Rocky Horror goes, “it slices, it dices, it circumsizes, it’s the Black & Decker P**ker Wrecker”

  2. 11 months ago on Tank McNamara

    Nowhere near as fun. After Joey suspects and gets the denial:Joey: How long have you been an airline pilot?Murdock: About ten years. Joey: What’s our altitude?Murdock: Forty-two thousand feet. Joey: What’s your lifetime batting average?Murdock: Three eleven.

    Murdock realizes the ruse is up.

  3. 11 months ago on Tank McNamara

    Fun fact – Pete Rose was supposed to play Roger Murdock, but because they shot it in the summer they used Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. His agent held out for a few extra grand than what was offered because that was the price of a Persian rug he had his eye on.

  4. about 1 year ago on Baby Blues

    “Return of the Living Dead”, Dan O’Bannon’s 1985 horror comedy, often gets credit for the first film where zombies target brains.

  5. over 4 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Is it just me, or is there a lot of innuendo going on in the store names?