my Chihuahua is a sweet loving little dog who takes very good care of me ….she is my nose and my ears and protects me from all danger and dangerous people…. she also keeps me from burning the house down when I get distracted when I’m cooking …we can compare the orange resident to a lot of foul disgusting substances but it’s not fair to Heap abuse on animals that cannot defend their honor.
Hopefully we can reboot our government but it’s going to take generations to get back to the status that the we had with America’s treaties and trade deals. The resident has shown the world that America word means absolutely nothing on the world stage !! who’s going to want to deal with us in the future?
@Theodore…you are so right!!! Pence will try to turn us into a Christian Taliban and take away every single Freedom…. individual freedom …that we have in order to establish his church driven prejudices and restrictions!!!
Pence will just continue the agenda of destroying our freedoms and our government. there’s no way that Pence is a good substitute for the current idiotic moronic resident!!!
Bravo!!! bravo!!! bravo!!! very very well said !!! the points that you bring up are so pertinent to this whole Fiasco of who did what to whom …with what result.. the result is that there are honorable people in the FBI who did not betray their professional ethics, ,,while that’s all well and good ,,,,it’s too bad that those Trump investigations weren’t leaked to the public before the election in the same way that Comey sabotaged Hillary..
We reap what we sow… It’s not like we haven’t known for a very long time about how destructive our collective actions can be to our environment…. Ostriches may or may not stick their heads in the sand in order to deny reality, but humanity’s ability to avoid the truth has taken it to an art form of denial.
Yep, it’s time to focus on space, in the same way that the “old world” focused on the “new world”. Hopefully, without inflicting as much damage as was done to this beautiful continent. Hopefully, not to use it as new battlefields for the agrandisement of one person’s ego. Humanity needs an escape route from the antonistic power mongers on this world who seem intent on destroying us and our ability to live here on this world. Yeah, we can hope……but what are the chances???…..
The resident is not a dog… He is more like a fire hydrant that spews lies in gushes….. Dogs should not be maligned by being used to describe the foulness of the resident….. In fact there is no species of animal that wouldn’t be insulted to be compared to that pestilence in the Offal Orifice!!!!!!!