Begging 001

deblee77 Free

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  1. 27 days ago on Stone Soup

    Two daughters, 15 year Girl Scout leader and then my Grandson, middle school thru high school. I will take 6 PMSing girls over one teen boy.

  2. about 1 month ago on Rose is Rose

    Me too! Had one for years now.

  3. about 1 month ago on Arlo and Janis

    Many years ago, I had a medical emergency and spent several days in the hospital. The day I was to come home, my daughter pulled out clean clothes, underwear etc. and left in a stack for Dad to take to the hospital. He missed this and dug through the hamper for a pair of sweats and underwear, that had been mixed in with his (blue collar) work clothes. Needless to say, they reeked to high heaven, I was so embarrassed. I asked why he didn’t grab clean clothes, he didn’t know where anything was. Never mind the stack my daughter left…

  4. about 2 months ago on Buckles

    Me too

  5. about 2 months ago on Luann

    In the closet, under the bead, dresser things swept into empty drawers….I had a friend who hid dirty dishes in the oven.

  6. about 2 months ago on Non Sequitur

    I graduated high school in 1968, I still have the results of aptitude test they gave us. As a man the fields I should look into were engineering and a couple of other high paying ‘male’ careers, but as a female, it said Sunday school teacher or interior decorator, for the same test results. Both my girls got their masters in male dominated fields.

  7. 3 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Back in the ’70s I lived in California and the Burbank Fire Department got new fire trucks and new logos etc. And just like LA is used in place of Los Angeles, they also shortened the name to the initials. Should have asked one teen boy… Of course, they did a new paint job, but to this day, I will say Burbank Fire Department in certain situations.

  8. 3 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    Have Space Suit Will Travel. Now I have a pin from one of the first Star Trek conventions that says; Tribbles have fleas

  9. 3 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    Oooh haven’t thought aboutt that one in years!

  10. 4 months ago on Buckles

    So do my cats and a few of them used to be the dog’s before he went over the rainbow bridge.