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And make it a decent job. Not one where you are on call at the employers whim.
took two wigs to do it.
The older I get, the tireder long trips make me. After a 6 hour drive to the annual family reunion, I slept the next day. Had pot luck lunch with the family, then took a nap.
My father was the last of 18 full siblings; more sibs if you count half and step. My mother was the last of 13. Which is why Im an only.
At this point, Tiff would make the better therapist. She has a kind and loving heart.
I thought Burt, before I got to the last panel.
it occasionally did for us.
Yep and weirdly it worked sometimes. Ive always wondered why.
every time. or “you are light as a feather and stiff as a board” or Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary in the mirror at midnight.
Im a bit older than you, Star Trek reruns and Sci Fi novels.
And make it a decent job. Not one where you are on call at the employers whim.