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I got adopted by two Doberman’s from next door and they will not stop eating!!!!
I read where microwave popcorn isn’t very good for you!
I, for one, would like to see Annie again, it was pretty good the first time!
I’ve killed plastic plants!
Have you checked out the price of Altoids lately, it’s worse than the egg fiasco!
And let the usps totally screw it up? FedEx is the only company that actually know what “Priority Mail” means!!!!
My brother and I got into an argument that Pi was 3.14, NOT 2.14! He worked for Boeing for 30 years, no wonder our ISS is going up and down!!!!
I read that it’s their inner GPS system that tells them which direction to lay their heads, sorta like them finding their way home from 1000 miles.
“Moveable East?” Never read ‘Moveable Feast?’ It’s in the movie!
OHHH, that hits home. Watch ‘Midnight in Paris’ with Owen Wilson, he meets Papa Hemingway!
I got adopted by two Doberman’s from next door and they will not stop eating!!!!